the Day
Boc Chicken
Written and Drawn by Ernie Cavazos
Hello readers! Imagine the Day is Boc’s first children’s book. It’s a story of adventure through imagination. A playful string of daydream and fantasy that captures the spirit of childhood itself.
Below is just a small sampling. Please enjoy.
It’s Tuesday morning and Boc Chicken has the whole day off. No work to get done. No chores to do. No errands to run. A whole day to himself to do whatever he wants.
He was bored.
Boc plopped onto his living room chair, turned on the TV and flipped through the channels…
…all 653 of them

But Boc didn’t want to spend the day watching TV.
“Maybe a video game,” he thought.
He played some of his favorite games: Space Commander, Tomb Explorer, Pirate Adventure. But he didn’t want to spend the day playing video games either.
Boc searched the entire house for ways to entertain himself. The garage. The basement. The bedroom. Finally, in the closet, he came across the plastic sword that he used on Halloween. “Ahoy, matey,” he said with a swoosh of the sword.
Then Boc got a perfectly good an idea. He grabbed his trench coat from the hanger and pulled a hat off the shelf above.

He imagined he was on an island and that the closet was a seaside cave. And just like that, he was…

…Boc Beard, the famous pirate.
“Arrrrg, lads, we’ve finally found it,” he announced to his crew. “Inside this cave lies the treasure de los esqueletos del pollo!”
“Yay,” the crew called out.
“It’s dark in there,” a lone voice added.
Boc and his crew stepped inside. “Stay close, men,” Boc suggested as he lit a torch. “Stick together no matter what happens.”
The pirates trudged along the muddy path until they reached the end. The cave was aglow with treasure. Diamonds, rubies, gold doubloons, Hershey’s® Kisses® and more. They stood, wide-eyed, with their feet stuck in the mud.
“The treasure is ours, men!” Boc declared.
“Yay,” the crew celebrated.
“It’s sticky in here,” a lone voice noted.
They all jumped into the pile of treasure and started filling their satchels.
“We’re rich!” Box exclaimed.
Just then, a voice echoed through the cave. “Whoever dares to take riches from me, must battle first these chickens three.” Three skeletons arose from the pile of treasure.

Ever brave, Boc Beard drew his sword. “Remember men, stick together.”
“Run awayyyy!” The crew ran, arms full of treasure.
“Wait for meeeee,” a lone voice faded into the darkness.
Boc was out-numbered. He couldn’t defeat three skeletons all by himself. So, he turned and squished through the sticky mud as fast as he could. He exited the cave with the skeletons chasing closely behind. As he looked to the shore, he saw his ship sailing away.
Luckily, there was a T-16 motocross motorcycle parked behind some nearby bushes. “How fortunate,” Boc thought. He hustled over, pulled away the branches and hopped on. He slipped on his goggles, strapped on his helmet (always wear the proper motorcycle safety gear when riding a motocross motorcycle) and rode off.
Boc rode swiftly through the up and down whoop-dee-doos toward the great pyramids, but the boney henchmen were still hot on his trail. They were riding T-17 motocross motorcycles. Which were one faster.
“They’re gaining on me.” Boc switched gears on his T-16 and rode up the first pyramid like a ramp. He did a double back flip superman jump and landed safely on the downside of the second pyramid.

The three chicken skeletons followed, but were unable to make it across.
“We’ll get you next time, Boooccccc,” they called out as they dropped out of the sky. CRASH! They were not wearing the proper safety gear.
Walking through the maze within the temple of doom, Boc made his way to the center of the pyramid.

The tomb, of course, was filled with treasure. Jewels and gold and Cadbury Creme Eggs® were everywhere.
In the middle of it all, was a big, green emerald glowing brighter than the rest—the Jewel of the Nile.

Boc tip-toed to the big, green jewel glowing brighter than the rest and carefully removed it from its pedestal.
Just then, the gold casket creeped open behind him. Boc was too mesmerized to notice.
He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to find himself face-to-face with…
…The Mummy.

“Oh, is this yours? Just giving it a polish,” he assured. “Here you go,” he said as he offered back the jewel.
But it was too late to give it back. The great pyramid began to shake and crumble. Large brick by large brick, the walls came tumbling down. Panicked, Boc leapt into the open casket and discovered that it was a secret passage way. He followed the stairs down to the basement. The Mummy limped after him. Slowly. (That’s the good thing about mummies; they shuffle along very slowly, making it easier to get away.) On the basement floor was a hatch.
“This must be a hatch to an underwater escape tunnel. I guess that’s what these flippers and goggles are for,” he said, grabbing the items that were neatly hung on the wall. Boc stripped down to his jams, took a deep breath and dove in just as the pyramid came crashing down.
A narrow escape.
Boc followed the underwater tunnel to the open sea. As he swam to the surface, a ship came sailing by. He decided to catch a ride and took hold of a dangling rope.
It was his pirate ship, The Floating Chicken. “What a luck.” Boc pulled himself up over the rail and onto the deck.

“I’m back men,” he announced to his crew.
“Yay,” the crew welcomed.
“What happened to your beard?” a lone voice asked.
Boc looked about the deck, but there was no one to be seen. “Mr. Calvin?!” he called for his first mate.
“Up here, Cap’n.”
Boc looked up and saw his entire crew bundled up in a net, dangling from the crow’s nest. “What are you doing up there?”
“We were hijacked,” the first mate answered. “It was The Bandidos! They ambushed us upon our return to the ship, Cap’n. Then they strung us up here and made off with the treasure.”
“Yeah,” the rest of the crew confirmed.
“Can we get down now?” a lone voice begged.
Boc grabbed a knife and sliced through the rope. CRASH! The crew hit the deck.
“We’re free!” they celebrated.
“Ouch, my bottom.”
“Mr. Hobbs,” Boc addressed his helmsman, “Set your sails for the island of Shelbyville; lets pay The Bandidos a little visit.”
“Aye, Cap’n.”

Just then, The Floating Chicken was attacked by an enormous 50 foot purple grouper with green stripes, sharp teeth and crazed eyes.
“Run awayyy!” The crew scattered.
The giant, psycho fish leapt from the depths of the sea and crunched through the ship. Boc and the crew went flying in all directions and splashed into the water.
Boc pulled himself onto a couple splintered planks of wood. He grabbed some nearby rope and lassoed the great beast. “You sank my battle ship,” Boc scolded.
The massive fish squirmed and swam away, towing Boc behind on the wooden planks like water skis. Up ahead was a sign that read, “caged shark,” and Boc was headed right for it. Luckily, there was a ramp helpfully floating in front of the shark bin. Boc hit the ramp and went soaring over the shark…
“Wait a second…” Boc paused in mid air. “This is a just plain silly…”

Boc dropped out of the air onto the ground. “I wonder where are I am now,” he pondered.
Just then, Boc heard a “yee haw!” Followed by a spray of Bang! Bang! Bang! He spun around to see Billy the Bird—the meanest, fowlest outlaw the west had ever known—riding through the tiny town of Ogdenville, shooting his six shooter into the air.
“Which one of you yella-bellied, liver lickers is man enough to face me,” Billy the Bird challenged the townsfolk that lined the dirt road.
“I’m your huckleberry,” Boc assured.
“Well, if it isn’t Boc Holliday,” Billy the Bird greeted.

“Billy the Bird,” Boc gritted through his teeth. “Who busted you out of jail?”
“We did,” Wild Bill Peacock and The Swandance Kid claimed as they emerged from the bank. Wild Bill Peacock and The Swandance Kid were the second and third meanest, fowlest outlaws the west had ever known. Together, the three outlaws had robbed 32 trains, 49 stagecoaches, 67 banks and one pyramid.
“I think it’s time all three of you varmints went back to jail.” Boc decided.
“You think you can take down all three of us?” Billy the Bird asked.
Boc squinted from underneath the brim of his cowboy hat with a steely glare. “Say when.”

The townsfolk retreated to the shelter of the saloon. The street was quiet. A hawk squawked overhead. A tumble weed breezed by in the wind. The clock struck 12:22 PM… not quite high noon, but close enough.
“When!” the trio of bandits shouted as they reached for their six shooters. Quicker to the draw, Boc grabbed both of his revolvers and the shootout began.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Snap! Bang! Bang!
“Hey, I got you.” Bang! Bang! Crackle! Bang!
“No you didn’t.” Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Pop! Bang! Bang! Bang! “Did too.”
“Did not.” Bang! Bang! Bang! Click. Click. Boc’s revolvers were empty. “Curses,” he cursed. Quickly, Boc crossed the road to take cover behind a stack of hay bales.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Click. Click. Click. The three meanest, fowlest outlaws the west had ever know were now empty too.
“We may be out of ammo, Boc,” Wild Bill Peacock admitted. “But we still got ya outnumbered.”
“How am I going to get out of this jam?” Boc wondered. Then he remembered his trusty steed, James. He placed his fingers to his mouth and whistled. Boc’s loyal horse, James, came galloping, jumping over the water trough to Boc’s aid.
Boc leapt up onto his dependable stallion, pulled some rope from his saddle and with one toss, collected all three of his fowl foes. (Luckily, he had already mastered the art of the lasso while roping the giant purple grouper with green stripes, sharp teeth and crazed eyes.)

“You folks are safe now,” Boc assured the townsfolk with a tip of his hat.
“Yay,” the townsfolks cheered.
“Our hero,” a lone voice said.
Then, with a mighty, “hi-yo James!” Boc and his faithful companion rode out of town in a cloud of dust.
“We’ll get you next time, Boc,” all three of the meanest, fowlest outlaws promised.
MY LITTLE PONY is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. If this book gets published for sale, I may have to change it so enjoy the homage while you can.
A few miles outside of town, Boc and James stopped to rest by the creek.
Just then… “Heeeelllllpppp!” A voice called from the distance.
“That sounds like a princess held captive in a castle,” Boc determined. “I’ll put on this armor,” (which was laying on the grassy knoll), “and rescue her.”
Boc dressed quickly and charged the castle.
“Heeeelllllpppp!” the princess called out again.
“Hey, who took my armor?” a lone voice asked.

Upon reaching the castle bridge… “Hark! Who goes there?” the guard demanded.
“Why me, of course, who’d you expect?” Boc answered.
“But who are you?”
“Oh. ‘Tis I, Sir Boc—Mystic Knight of the Oingo Boingo. Who, sir, are you?”
“I am The Black Knight – Ruler of Zamunda and Lord of the Manor.”
“Well, I’m here to save the princess,” Boc explained.
“Okay, please sign in here and I’ll need to see a photo I.D.,” The Black Knight replied as he tapped his ballpoint pen on his clipboard. (Felt tip pens tend to smudge.)
“Excuse me?” Boc asked.
“Your identification, sir.”
“The princess is in trouble,” Boc said, “I don’t think we have time for this.”
“Well, I’m afraid the princess is saved by appointment only.” The Black Knight informed. “So you’ll need to sign in.”
That’s when Boc noticed a bandage peeking out from The Black Knight’s armor. “The Mummy!” Boc accused as he drew his unyielding sword, Excalibur.
“How ‘bout you?” The Black Knight challenged as he drew his sword, Franklin.

The two knights dueled up, down and around the castle. Over the moat, through the corridors, past the dungeon, in the garage until finally…
KONK! The Black Knight was hit on the head and knocked out. It was Mrs. Peacock in library with the candlestick.
“Thanks for your brave assistance, my lady,” Sir Boc said with a bow.
“You’re welcome,” she replied. “Now go and save the princess.”

“She’s in the conservatory,” Mrs. Peacock continued. “Take the secret passage,” she advised as she pointed to the fireplace. Boc entered the tunnel and made his way to the conservatory.
Inside, the princess was tied to a chair with green vines wrapped around her. Boc looked up to see that the green vines were attached to a large man-eating plant. It was purple with green stripes and sharp teeth. (No eyes.)
Boc gallantly advanced forward. SLICE. SLICE. SLICE. In an instant, the princess was freed.
“Oh brave, courageous, heroic, daring, valiant knight,” the princess gushed, “thank you for rescuing me. Normally, I would reward you with a kiss,” she explained, “but I don’t kiss on the first rescue.”
The princess was safe.
Well, that’s it for now. Not sure how much of the book I’ll post, but there’s definitely more to come.
I’d love to hear your feedback. Click here to let me know what you think. Especially, if you have kids.